Thursday, July 21, 2011

Who? "Echale Jazz" Where? "Los dos amigos"

Two friends only? Not at all! There were lot of them. Everyone enjoying Echale Jazz band. Why wouldn't? An out-of-this-world drums player, a new-to-the-group talented DJ, a passionate keyboard player, and a sax and clarinet player.

Echale Jazz certainly has what it takes to become a great band! Hope to see (I would prefer to listen) them more often. I'll be the first customer when you release your CD.

Thanks to them for letting me be there. And finally, here you have the pictures.


  1. Excellent pictures ... obviously you're enjoying it because the result is amazing!

  2. We'll absolutely will have to talk about who is going to be the first customer as soon as they release their CD. Echale!
